Save With SPF Roofing
If you:
- Are paying too much to cool and heat your facility
- Need to keep employees comfortable and maintain productivity
- Need to protect your building, occupants, or environment from extreme temperatures or leaks
Consider a Silicone Roof Coating System or Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) roof.
SPF is a sprayed insulating foam plastic that is applied as a liquid, then expands to many times its original volume.
Spray foam is the highest-performing material available for commercial roofing and building insulation, with more than 50 years of proven effectiveness.
The Many Benefits of a Spray Polyurethane Foam Roof
- Weatherproof: Not only does it stand up to water, SPF performs well against hurricane-force winds. It forms a chemical as well as a mechanical bond with surfaces for added structural strength and rigidity.
- Cost-effective: It provides unparalleled insulation, reducing your energy bill. Spray foam roofing also costs up to 50 percent less over its lifespan.
- Top-performing: Spray polyurethane foam coats any roofing surface and is strong yet flexible. It contracts and expands with temperature changes without losing its airtight seal or protective properties.
- Long-lasting: The lifespan of an SPF roof is virtually endless. The roof is completely renewable—make minor repairs using caulk or by simply recoating.
- Sustainable: There is no need to remove or dispose of existing roof materials, further adding to landfill waste. Polyurethane foam is safe and contains no formaldehyde or ozone-depleting substances.
Advantages of SPF Roofs
In 2004, a life cycle cost analysis performed by commercial roofing consultant Michelsen Technologies demonstrated that over a 30-year lifespan, SPF roofs cost 10%–50% less, on average, than comparable commercial roofs.
SPF roofing simply offers the best value around. Consider these added advantages:
- Cooler and more energy-efficient: On a 90-degree day, the surface temperature of a spray foam roof is only 120 degrees, compared to a blistering 200 degrees for traditional commercial roofs, reducing your building cooling costs.
- Warranties: 10-year, 15-year, and 20-year warranties are available on most roofs. A 15-year hail-proof warranty is also available for some roofing projects.
- Insulating: SPF roofing has the highest “R” value—6.88—providing more thermal resistance than any other roofing product on the market. DFW Urethane customers have banked 30% savings on their utility costs.
- Seamless: SPF is a seamless, airtight, waterproof roof that eliminates leaks.
- Easily applied: SPF roofing can be installed quickly with little or no disruption to your business.
An Insulating Powerhouse
Spray foam is one of the most advanced insulation and building envelope systems on the market today. Covered with a white or other light-reflecting elastomeric coating, it’s the hardest-working commercial roof around.
SPF insulation combines a high R-value and air infiltration control, essential to achieving energy efficiency. Its tight air seal protects buildings and their occupants from moisture, extreme temperatures, noise, and contaminants.
SPF Roofing Outperforms the Competition
- Self-flashing: SPF conforms and adheres to virtually any structure or surface, including metal, wood, and concrete. This contrasts with asphalt tar and gravel, and EPDM and single-ply rubber roofing, all of which require the addition of flashings after the roofing is installed.
- Lightweight: At one-tenth the weight of conventional commercial roofs, SPF roofs are ideal for re-roofing or retrofit roofing projects.
- No ponding water: SPF roofing allows for sloping, which minimizes water ponding on flat roofs.
- Versatile: SPF is ideal for new roofs, reroofing projects, flat roofs, and for pitched, domed, metal, wood, and concrete roofs.
- Watertight and airtight: The closed-cell structure of SPF resists the penetration of water and air on commercial metal roofing, flat roofs, and exterior and interior walls.
- Strong: Despite its lightweight, SPF is extremely strong and does not pack down or sag. Our SPF roofs offer a compressive strength of 50 PSI.
- Flexible: SPF expands and contracts without affecting its ability to protect the structure from outside elements.
- Long life: SPF roofs last indefinitely, providing a smart, enduring investment. Unlike other commercial roofs that must be completely removed and replaced, SPF roofs can be repaired using a caulk gun or by recoating.
SPF Roofing FAQs
Is it true that we can save up to 30% off of electric bills?
Absolutely. According to our customer reports, SPF roofing protects and insulates your building, and decreases the amount of energy needed for heating and air conditioning.
Will an SPF roof actually change the temperature on the inside of my building? Even if my building isn’t air conditioned?
Yes. Some customers have noticed as much as a 15-degree difference in temperature inside, which makes it more comfortable for employees.
Do you need to put an R-25 on your roof for insulation value to meet energy/city codes?
As long as we put a urethane roof over your existing roof, the R-25 specifications don’t apply. This is an important benefit of urethane roofs. With most conventional roofs you are required to completely tear off the existing roof, creating a lot of waste, and then you must meet the code upgrade to R-25 insulation.
How long has SPF roofing been used?
SPF was developed in the 1950s. SPF has been used in the U.S. since the late 1960s as a roofing material. Here in the Southwest, Texas A&M University has been using an SPF roof for over 40 years. It is now used by many corporations, universities, and school districts across the country.
Why doesn’t every roofing company install SPF roofs?
It requires a great deal of training and high-tech, complex equipment. DFW Urethane has been in the SPF business for 26 years and has a highly regarded team of experienced professionals.
Can you walk on an SPF roof?
Yes. Commercial and industrial buildings have constant foot traffic on their roofs. The SPF used by DFW Urethane offers a minimum of 50 psi compressive strength, which supports high foot traffic.
Do I have to remove all of my air conditioning units before SPF is applied?
If you have curb-mounted AC units, equipment can stay on the roof. You can save money by not having to remove AC equipment.